Drawing is a part of my choreographic practice, mostly line-making. Drawing generates a space of thinking and shaping of ideas, operates at different scales, become scores.for moving and writing.
Sometimes I present drawing as installation or as artist page works (material and digital), in journals or self-published zines. I have implemented drawing as a durational activity, opening a time-space, often working with constraints and iterative activities on page, large paper sheet, floor, wall. And also as a material practice, spreading across surfaces of skin, paper, screen.
This page is an (inconsistent) scrolling notebook, a sharing of ‘small’ ideas through drawing, because drawing evolves and records its own devices, structures, strategies, scores, processes – and vocabularies of patterning and composing.

Light hesitates (turn amid pattern)
parallel lines hum, shimmer, come close to
Hospitalfield Arbroath August 2023

re-drawing over and over,
turning things over and over this way that way
tracing way-finding meandering

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
parallel = lines: duplicate units
black fine liner, 3 x 3 cm July 2018
Details emerge through the activity of drawing, lines drawing their
own fascination, becoming a score through iterating and noticing
pattern, between repeating and introducing small difference as interval,
drawing affecting body, breath and nervous system coming into synch
with drawing line, a time-space opens, and the body is scored too,
a repetitive scoring producing its past and inviting its possible future.


horizontal towers
black biro 1.5 x 6.5 cm July 2018
Lines enclosing and creating areas or shapes,
drawing one above the other, with gently touching edges, rising up the notebook page
a photographic image rotates the vertical towers 90 degree clockwise.
These simple repetitive scores are activities that take time, can take less or more time, make time, work in time
knotted lines; one figure
black biro, 8 x 1.5 cm diagonal July 2018
Straight-ish lines quickly drawn diagonally, each interrupted by an intensity of pressure and activity around one spot before moving on. Another line, loosely parallel to the previous repeats the rhythm
– line-vibrate-line -. line-vibrate-line-
a knot emerges, a compact area of energy, speed and pressure.

3 x knotted lines
black biro +/- 5 x 1.5 cm July 2018
I have pages of these. Here are 3. One of a collection of motifs that emerge.
There is the iterative rhythm of drawing lines and also a rhythm in the decision to start at a new place, to start a new ‘object’; a fleeting shift of the biro-in-hand across the surface.
diverging parallel curve figures
black biro, 3 x 3 cm July 2018
Drawing operating between line, curve, parallel, angle to produce these shapes

free parallel intersecting
black fine liner, 10 x 6 cm July 2018
a thing emerges from lines, following parallel and yet increasingly seeming to fold around or circle in. .
continual line always changing direction
pencil a5 notebook July 2018

within the limits of the page
black fine liner/pencil a6 notebook July 2018
operating between parallel, edge, diversion, fold, divide