Time has no colour, a residency and performance project about ‘doing things together’ and ‘remembering’
In residency at Centro Coreográfico de la Gomera hosted by Gregory Auger and Martín Padron in September 2008, we explored (in)equalities of knowledge residing in our daily activities together. Reading, playing, drawing, talking, eating, walking, swimming. Katrina Brown & Juno Brown. Each day we chose a colour and a theme, for example white spiral, blue adventure, body brown or red heros and baddies, twilight grey. It created a starting point for our activities and talking. It opened a space of philosophising while doing things, the everyday things we do.
Ice-cream bribes were also part of the residency.
Residency and Perfomance at Het Veemtheater Amsterdam 2009
Juno Brown, Katrina Brown and Igor Dobricic working together for 10 days in august, a summer city retreat; moving, talking, drawing, thinking. Blurring boundaries of performance and being together. Performance 17/18 December.
you and me
asleep and awake
you and your shadow
alive and dead
old and young
child and adul
tknowing and not knowing
stillness and moving
you and the air around
a desire and a dream
breathing and sighing
flying and falling
falling and floating
being here and being there.
Talking time:
Katrina – What is time?
Juno – time is everything. Everything has time and uses time
When I am sleeping I don’t notice time
Talking body:
k-How do you know I have a body?
j-I can see it?
k-How do you know you have a body?
j-I can see it and I can feel it.
k-Are you only a body?
j-No, I have a soul.
k-How do you know?
j-Because sometimes someone can hurt me
without it hurting my body?
k-And mind, what is that?
j-Here (points to head)
k-Is your mind part of your body?
j-Yes, its also part of your soul.
k-maybe between body and soul
Then we both imagined if you were only body and had no soul
k-are you then an animal?
j-no, animals have souls, you are a sort of robot. And humans are animals anyway.
k-And if you have a body, but cannot see, hear, sense, taste, or smell? Then you are completely unaware of anything?
Kat said the horizon is like a cut today between sky and sea
Kat asked Juno what the horizon was for him?
Juno replied ” its what we can see of the globe.
It’s the unknown, you want to go there, all the time it moves
and you can never reach the horizon. It’s interesting.”
Juno thought that white had an ‘endless’ quality. ‘If you were
in a white room, then you couldn’t really see the end of the walls’, you
could only see your self. And that black was something similar.
Black and white are opposites but have alot in common with eachother an
both have an infinity. Juno said’ if you are in a black room, then you cannot see anything
and we thought that a white room was maybe space-less and a black room timeless.