1 Unfolding spine _detail right side

2 Parallel=lines

3 Em[bed]ding circle/ video still

Photographic still by Jemima Fahy
She’s only doing this: a series of durational drawing scores
She’s only doing this: scores is an evolving series of durational drawing scores that work with material processes of iteration in relation to line and surface . The scores are performed in gallery-like situations and adapted to different contexts, scales and architectural spaces. They are performed as both solo works and with multiple performers over multiple papers – sometimes accompanied with live feed projection presenting an aerial view of the live drawing event unfolding on the ground. Spectators are invited to shift proximity and viewing perspectives – to watch, listen, observe, be present.
Each score is a choreographic configuration of materials, surfaces and bodies and of vertical and horizontal planes and forces that – in performance- accumulatively reveals coinciding material, tactile, sonic and visual aspects of drawing and human activity. The material residue can be left as installation and returned to by performer(s).
She’s only doing this explores line as iterative, dynamic, parallel and also as interrupted, flawed and unmade by material processes and surface forces. Each drawing score operates as task, event, residue – and as document. Working with charcoal, chalk or graphite on walls, floor and paper, a performer moves and draws close to the surface and orientates her body and action in relation to gravity, axis, breath and spectators. As materials exhaust, peripheral debris scatters and real-time settles – her performing body too is scored.
She’s only doing this implements drawing as choreographic activity and proposes a quiet presence of performer working low amongst other materials, surfaces, bodies. The series was initiated as part of my PhD intersect/surface/body: A Choreographic View of Drawing 2017 UAL.
She’s only doing this includes 1 Unfolding spine, 2 Parallel-lines, 3 Em[bed]ding circle, 4 Labyrinth, 5 Around-between-line