Solo to Solo, a collaboration with choreographer Malgven Gerbes
2010 -2012
A collaboration of Malgven Gerbes & Katrina Brown moving and thinking together
Solo to Solo: Snails Gallop & Other Scores happened at
Dartington Space 2010, Dartington Gallery 2011, Uferstudios Berlin 2012
Talking about writing Thursday 24th June 2010
There is a meeting of drawing and body, which suggests a narration, a graphic narration.
It is interesting to see the body AND the drawing as they share the same image in the moment.
It is interesting to see persistence in the crossing of movement and drawing.
The drawing is like a visual proposal of the creative mind. Like the tip of the iceberg, it gives the viewer a glimpse into the qualities, tuning, decisions and integrated skill of the performer.
A viewer may ask himself how he can be involved; there, in what we are doing; it invites a lot of attention.
There is a pragmatic side to the moving and drawing that is revealing the arrangement of thinking. We gain different perspectives according to where the thinking is in relation to the body while drawing.
It is surprising to see through the drawing how the contrast between stillness, friction, energy, and also power, is contained in us.
The drawing is outside of us and yet is informed by the physicality of the body.
Within the moving and drawing the articulation of body, of thoughts, of idea, of plan becomes unified.
We need a fine balance between following an impulse and taking the chance of designing; Tracing a line, is choosing to do this and not that. There is a sense of history and friction in the drawing.
The moving and drawing is unravelling and revisiting what we already know, to see that it is not the end of it, also for more, for extra words.
An interesting moment is when the body is in a state of waiting, of just not knowing, often then the drawing is continuing.